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Food Bullying Podcast

Feb 24, 2020

Are you leaving foods out of your diet? You can run the risk of creating health issues if you are leaving out a food group, such as carbohydrates. "Our bodies need a variety of nutrients, which are obtained from variety of foods in our diet" points out Neva Cochran, a registered dietitian nutritionist.

When you...

Feb 17, 2020

Artificial insemination. Vegetarian choices. The Oscars. STDs. Greenhouse gas emissions. Baby calves. Nursing. Starbucks. Nutrient density of food. Personal choices. 

If those topics don’t add up to a civil conversation in your mind, listen in for a model on how to have a discussion around food and the...

Feb 6, 2020

"Don’t eat what you can’t pronounce... Synthetic chemicals are more dangerous than natural chemicals... Chemicals in food are killing us... There is no safe level of pesticides…"

It’s no wonder we are scared of food with myths like these flying around our plates. Today’s Food Bullying podcast guest...

Feb 3, 2020

Did you over-indulge during the Super Bowl festivities, Christmas, or the last family holiday? You’re not the only one – holiday heart syndrome and atrial fibrillation (afib) is not uncommon after eating too much. Food can help you proactively manage your health – or it can lead to missed heart beats. 
